Infoshop Library

A comprehensive digital library on anarchism, politics, culture, history, activism, social change movements and much more.


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Bakunin, Mikhail

Black, Bob

Crass, Chris

de Cleyre, Voltairine

Guerin, Daniel

Goldman, Emma

Ervin, Lorenzo Komboa

Luxemburg, Rosa

Malatesta, Errico

Neal, Dave

Perlman, Fredy

Zerzan, John

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The Nomadology of Anti-States

by Dnyl

"Indra, the warrior god, is in opposition to Varuna no less than to Mitra"1

In their "Treatise on Nomadology" 2, Deleuze and Guattari present two axioms regarding what they name the War Machine. Firstly, that "the war machine is exterior to the State apparatus"; and secondly, that "the war machine is the invention of the nomads (insofar as it is exterior to the State apparatus and distinct from the military institution)".3


Direct Action: 14 ways to improve your job

The following is from the "infra-reds" mail list at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. Canada:

While doing my research on forestry unions I came across the following in a PPWC newsletter from 1989.

1. Workers run the world. Everything would stop without our labour. Withdrawing our labour is our weapon, and the right to run things is our demand.

2. At the same time, most work is a bore. As it is organized in our society, most labour kills the spirit and body of the worker, not to mention the mind. But to simply call for a four-hour day at eight hours pay is not enough. Who will benefit from the automation that could realize such a demand? Who should control technology's introduction and integration into the economy? Potentially, we can.


Poststructuralist Anarchism: an Interview with Todd May

by Rebecca Dewitt

Perspectives on Anarchist Theory - Vol. 4, No. 2 - Fall 2000

As a political philosophy, anarchism is concerned with the transformation of society; however, anarchism is often neglected by major political and philosophical trends. In an attempt to situate anarchism within contemporary philosophical thought as well as think critically about anarchism, Todd May has created what he calls postructuralist anarchism. By grafting French postructuralist thought onto anarchism, May offers a new political philosophy with which to analyze our world. I conducted an interview with Todd May via email in October 2000. Rebecca DeWitt


Postructuralist Anarchism is the combination of anarchism and poststructuralist philosophy (the work of Foucault, Lyotard and Deleuze). What is essential to both these political philosophies that makes it possible to combine them?


The Inefficient Utopia, or How Consensus Will Change the World

by the Curious George Brigade


Crowd Dynamics and the Mass Psychology of Possibility

"It was not a column but a mob, an awful river that filled the street – the people of the abyss, mad with drink and wrongs, up at last and roaring for the blood of their masters. I had seen the people of the abyss before, gone through their ghettos, and thought I knew them; but I found that I was now looking at them for the first time.


There is a difference between Life and Survival


Whatever medical science may profess, there is a difference between Life and survival. There is more to being alive than just having a heartbeat and brain activity. Being alive, really alive, is something much subtler and more magnificent. Their instruments measure blood pressure and temperature, but overlook joy, passion, love, all the things that make life really matter. To make our lives matter again, to really get the most out of them, we will have to redefine life itself. We have to dispense with their merely clinical definitions, in favor of ones which have more to do with what we actually feel.


There is a Secret World Concealed Within this One.


The lives we lead, and the lives we wish we led.

This world, the so-called “real world,” is just a front. Pull back the curtain and you’ll see the libraries are all filled with runaways writing novels, the highways are humming with escapees and sympathizers, all the receptionists and sensible mothers are straining at the leash for a chance to show how alive they still are. . . and all that talk of practicality and responsibility is just threats and bluffing to keep us from reaching out our hands to find that heaven lies in reach before us.


Join the Resistance: Fall in Love


Falling in love is the ultimate act of revolution, of resistance to today's tedious, socially restrictive, culturally constrictive, humanly meaningless world.

Love transforms the world. Where the lover formerly felt boredom, he now feels passion. Where she once was complacent, she now is excited and compelled to self-asserting action. The world which once seemed empty and tiresome becomes filled with meaning, filled with risks and rewards, with majesty and danger. Life for the lover is a gift, an adventure with the highest possible stakes; every moment is memorable, heartbreaking in its fleeting beauty. When he falls in love, a man who once felt disoriented, alienated, and confused will know exactly what he wants. Suddenly his existence will make sense to him; suddenly it becomes valuable, even glorious and noble, to him. Burning passion is an antidote that will cure the worst cases of despair and resigned obedience.


Indulge, Undermine


Have you noticed—exhortations to indulge yourself are always followed by suggestions? Adherents of doctrines seek footholds to claim territory within you, salesmen grasp for handles to jerk you around . . . from new-age prophets to advertisers, from pornographers to radicals, everyone exhorts you to “pursue your desires,” but the question remains: which ones? The “real” ones? Who decides which those are?



by NietzsChe Guevara



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